Friday 25 February 2011

Kids with Keyboards

I read this great article in yesterday and it brought home a topic I often discuss and debate with my friends and flatmates... is technology safe for kids? And at what age should children be exposed to technology?

In the article above GeekDad Richard Hayler allows his 3 and 5 year old kids their own mac. Is this too young? Is it safe for a child of that age?

I believe wholeheartedly that giving a child the tools and skills required to flourish in the modern world is important and learning how to get to grips with technology from a young age is something children should enjoy and experience.

Its obviously important that there are parental boundaries and this goes for a whole range of technology from television to computer gaming and surfing the internet but there has to be a level of trust between the parent and child for them to grow and learn.

I appreciate I don't have kids and my feelings may well change drastically when I do. But with young children spending more and more time on the internet than ever before this debate will rage on long into the night.

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